September 12, 2024

Categories: Relationship

His Eye

“Iwill instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8

How many times, when I was child, have I been in church, talking while the preacher was preaching, or wiggling and squirming because service was going so long…Or maybe it was a special function where Mama needed us to behave…and we just couldn’t do it. Or I said something that was better left unsaid, leaving feelings bruised and my Mama was…looking.

Hopefully, I’m not alone. Don’t you remember getting “the eye”? The look that meant you were in deep trouble? 

Or what about the look that said, “You’re ok,” or the look that said, “I’m so proud of you.” Our Mother could direct us with just the look in her eyes. We were so close…loved so deeply…we needed only to look in her face, and see her eyes. Those eyes could speak volumes. We knew. We just knew.

When I read this psalm, that is what comes to mind. The memory of a parent that could direct our behavior with just the look in her eye.

What a marvel that our Abba God tells us He does the same thing. He has not turned His face from us. He is looking at us. Our personal relationship with Him as sons and daughters gives us the special privilege of being directed by His eye. When we look to Him, we know what He desires us to do…obey His Word, believe Him, trust Him, love Him, cultivate a servant’s heart…and in the doing of these things, we find He is directing us…

I want a close relationship with the Father. A relationship like the hymn says where I can “look full in His wonderful face.” And in looking…receive His counsel with His eye upon me…it’s what I want for everyone.

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