August 1, 2024

Categories: Correction

He Squeezes My Heart

It was a Monday afternoon in September. I had loaded the lawnmower on the truck and I’m on the way to have it repaired. I was just talking to God about all that was going on in the world. People broken and despairing…those facing health crises and possible death…and all the need around us for restoration. Restoration not just of circumstances but restoration to Him. Remember, I’m not praying, just talking.

Every morning when I finish praying, I ask God to “Bring much glory to Your Name. Make Your Name glorious in all the earth.” I so desire for everyone to see our Father God as good and glorious, sovereign, and full of grace. This particular day I was once again begging God, “Show them, Father. Those that are broken and hurting, heal them! Raise them up off these sickbeds! Show everyone You are the true and living God!” ( Isn’t that just like a kid? I mean, how immature can you be?)

Before I had even finished forming the words in my mind, I felt the Holy Spirit “squeeze” my heart. (Thank goodness correction came this day as a “squeeze” and not a “spanking”.) I knew immediately what He was getting ready to say. In answer to my demand to let the world know who He is..the reply was…”I do. Every day. No one sees. No one pays attention.”

Think about it. The true and living God displaying His wonders and His glory. People walk right by and don’t care one bit.

My heart was pierced with the Truth. The Holy God of the universe showing Himself each day and very few see or care. The miracle of a baby’s birth…the sun rising in the east…our perfectly tilted earth..glorious sunsets..our gardens full of vegetables…our hearts beating inside our chests…All His Glory on display…ignored or overlooked.

Am I looking for His Glory? Am I ready to see and hear? Do I give Him honor and worship Him?

I’m praying for spiritual eyes and spiritual ears. I don’t want to miss Him. What about you?

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