Guarding Hearts
Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 NASB
The best advice. Why is guarding our hearts so important? This scripture explains that springs of life flow from our hearts. Only that which is inside us can flow out of us. If we are putting good things in…only good can come out. And if we are taking in evil things, well that is what will flow out.
Dr. Eugene Rollins used to tell us this on a regular basis, “Everyone is capable of anything under the right conditions.” That would scare me to death. But I realize that as long as we live in this body of flesh that is an accurate statement. We have been redeemed, forgiven, and lavished with grace and at the same time the flesh we live in, is filled with sin. We have not come to the completion of our sanctification. We will stumble. We will sin. And all the more reason to GUARD OUR HEARTS.
What can we practically do that keeps us safe? I can’t be certain, but I think it’s like eating. What we take into ourselves makes us what we are. If you eat sugar, carbs, and no veggies, fruits, lean meats…your body will in time become unhealthy. You have slowly jeopardized your health.
What we allow our eyes to see and what we allow our ears to hear will affect our thinking. Once something has been said, it can’t be unsaid. And in like manner, what you see cannot be unseen. When you see something you think is nice, you have taken notice. The next time it comes to mind you decide you would like to have it. Then you decide you need it. And then you believe you can’t live without it. Suddenly the hand is reaching out and taking hold of it. What we have allowed into ourselves determines our thoughts and the direction our lives take.
James, the brother of our Yeshua, says it this way. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” James 1:13-15 NASB
So we see it is a process. We look. We look again. We like it. We decide we want it. We decide we must have it. We decide we can’t live without it. Then we take it. From one look, one listen, a seed was planted, took root, and brought sin to birth. And no matter who we are, sin brings forth death. No exceptions.
Our eyes are a gateway that images enter into our hearts and minds. Likewise our ears are gateways that take words into our being. Those words will create our world. It is then imperative that we guard what we see…what we hear…what we allow to take root inside us.
Satan’s devices are so slick. They are so deceiving.
In today’s world, inappropriate images and inappropriate speech surrounds us. In a store, on the radio or TV, the internet, videos, movies and on and on. For goodness sake! Just walking down the street or going into a public place, guarding our hearts is difficult and nearly impossible.
But I know, we must. Too much is at stake.