Keeping Accounts
What happens when a debt is canceled? You no longer have an account to keep up with to see that the repayment is being made.
Wow. No account balance. No burden of repayment. What a gift.
With this Sunday being Palm Sunday and Purim, I am struck again with the goodness of our Abba God.
In Esther, His Name is never mentioned yet He is always present. He is working circumstances to His people’s benefit and His glory. We see His perfect timing, the perfect characters, and His perfect power. Who can do this but our God?
And Palm Sunday…Yeshua entering Jerusalem on a donkey…crowds cheering…Palm branches waving. Our Messiah is preparing to pay our debt…all of our debt.
Yeshua had to enter the city on that day. He was chosen as the perfect sacrifice. He is the perfect lamb that takes away the sin of the world. But why was it necessary for Yeshua to enter THAT day? Because that day was the day Jewish families chose the lamb they would sacrifice for their Passover meal. If Yeshua was to be God’s perfect Lamb, He had to be chosen that day. Certainly the cheering crowds had chosen Yeshua that day. But we must remember our Father had designated Yeshua as the Messiah from the foundation of the world.
Another fact to think about is the palm branches. To our western minds they indicate peace. But to a Jewish thinker, the palm branch is a symbol of nationalism. When the Pharisees and ruling parties saw the crowds waving palm branches there was no doubt in anyone’s mind. Their intentions could not be mistaken. They intend for Yeshua to be the new king of Israel. The crowds were endorsing a new government. This was not what the Pharisees and other rulers wanted.
As we begin the spring c celebrations…Purim…Passover…Crucifixion…Resurrection…First Fruits…counting of the omer…Pentecost…let’s be fully awake. Let’s listen to our hearts as the Holy Spirit leads. I’m asking that our hearts be broken with godly sorrow that once again brings us to repentance. That we would keep short accounts with the Father and with others. To confess our sin and find that again the blood of Yeshua is enough.
There is great joy in this. Joy that we are His. Joy that we are grafted into the family of God. There is no account against us. It has been canceled.
Glory to our Abba God!! Praise and honor to our Yeshua, our Messiah. Thanks for the Holy Spirit within us.
Very poignant!!! Love this & you!!!!🥰