December 21, 2023

Categories: Purpose


Now in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth,
To a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.
And coming in, he said to her, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.
But she was greatly troubled at this statement and kept pondering what kind of salutation this might be. Luke 1:26-29 NASB

We get caught up in the Christmas story. How could we not? Angels, a young couple, an old couple, shepherds, a long trip, and a baby born…all come together for some of the greatest moments in time. The time God’s Son Himself condescended to live among His creatures in His creation. It’s too wonderful to comprehend.

And this girl, this young teenager, probably no more than 14 receives a visit from Gabriel the archangel. He comes with an extraordinary message. There has only been silence for over 400 years and suddenly Gabriel shows up spreading news flashes from God. First, Zacharias, now Mary. God has decided this is the fullness of time. Messiah is coming.

But this young teenage girl betrothed to Joseph…this Mary…Gabriel calls her “favored one”. Some translations call Mary “highly favored”. We see Mary is “greatly troubled”. How could this angel say God, the true and living God, sees her as “favored”?

Nazareth was the poorest of the poorest places. When we went to Israel this year, our guides and rabbis told us repeatedly that Nazareth was poorer than poor. When Yeshua lived there, one of the only standing structures was the synagogue. People lived in caves. I couldn’t take it in. Poverty. Deep poverty. This poor girl from Nazareth is seen as ”favored”?

Yet that is how YHWH saw Mary. He created and designed her. Our God knew what He had placed inside her heart and He knew Mary was favored…chosen by Him. Created to bear the Messiah.

But like all of us (and especially the “us” at 14 or so) would be troubled at being called “favored”. We would know the faults inside our hearts, we would know our fears, our shortcomings…so Mary was troubled. She just couldn’t imagine that she would be the one to bear the Messiah.

And then there was that dear Joseph who had asked to marry her. They were betrothed. The marriage contract was in full force legally. Can’t you imagine all the thoughts twirling around in her head? What would happen with the betrothal? What would happen to Joseph? What would happen to her?

I know when our Abba calls us to our purpose, sometimes it is frightening and troubling or at best overwhelming. Yet if we just stop a moment to think…our purpose is what He created us for. He designed us with the skill, talent, and heart to fulfill His purpose for which He created us.

When I read the Christmas story this year, the people in the story just seemed to take on flesh and blood. Thinking of the hardships of their daily lives…I marvel. The least likely, the least able…these were the ones chosen…and that teenage girl was “favored”.

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