November 30, 2023

Categories: Warfare

Tread on Lions and Cobras

You will tread on the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.” Psalm 91:13NASB

I recite Psalm 91 in my morning prayers. I do that right after I quote Ephesians 6:10-18. After putting on the armor our Abba provides for us to do prayer battle, it’s a good idea to remember the safety and protection He provides.

But this verse…walk on young lions…cobras? If you know me, you know I will have my pistol to take out that serpent! Forget walking on him! Yet Abba says we can.

We have all heard that old lions aren’t so fierce anymore. They love to roar and bluster and scare us. But that young lion is fierce and will tear anyone to pieces with one bite.

Then there is the cobra. One of the deadliest serpents in the world. I wouldn’t think of stepping on one. I’d go as far around that serpent as possible. Have you seen as fast they are? Yet our Abba says we can tread on the cobra.

I have trod on lions and cobras…as you probably have also. Take a moment…

The child that walked away as a teen and hasn’t come home.
The husband/wife who said they would always love you and left anyway.
The health you thought you would always enjoy and lost.
The fortune you made and lost.
That person that mugged you in the park and you now live in fear.
The family member that was viciously murdered.
The family that lied to you.
The family member that’s headed for prison…even though they knew the right choices to make.

Life can bring some really horrible circumstances. The sin in this fallen world can leap on us like that young lion or strike as swiftly as that cobra. Living on this side of time can be rough. Yet our God promises we can walk on top of all these things.

I remember a time when quoting Psalm 91 felt like agony. I was interceding for an extended family member and the fierceness of the spiritual battle felt exactly like walking on young lions and treading on cobras. Yet every morning as I said that verse I began with, “I thank you Abba that I can walk…tread” and you know what? Even though it was hard and frightening, our God was mighty. He did save and He did redeem.

There is so much I don’t understand…so much I don’t even know. One thing I do know, however, our God tells the truth. He does not lie. Even if something seems impossible, if He says it is possible, BELIEVE HIM. After believing Him, have faith in Him. And after that, TRUST HIM…put action to that faith and trust. Walk where He tells you to…even if it seems impossible.

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