August 17, 2023

Categories: Self Examination


I love the morning. I’ve said this so much you are probably tired of hearing it. But there is something so special about watching Creation wake up to another day. And while everything is coming alive, I’m talking to Abba God.

I want to confess, however, that some days I fight distraction. I can be saying scripture over a prayer request and realize my mind has slipped to something else. It could be another prayer request, a person, or even the day’s work. How can this be?

I consider my prayer time the most important thing I do. I covet my “alone time” with Abba God. How can my mind wander so? My friend Betty used to call it her “peasy brain”. I’m not entirely sure exactly what that is, but I think I have it too.

At first, I was distraught, but then I realized I didn’t need to be. I just stop. Then confess to Abba what has happened, pray over the intrusive thought, and return to prayer. Sometimes if the struggle is great, I’ll confess scripture over my mind.

The main thing is not to allow a moment of distraction to destroy a morning of prayer. We are after all flesh and full of failure. It is absolutely ok to just tell the One who loves us we need to reset and keep praying. He knows we can’t be perfect we need to realize that too.

Intercession is hard work. The struggle can be great. Not only does our weak flesh inhibit us…but there is an enemy who wants to see us fail. And fail big time.

I want to encourage us all to stay the course. Push through the struggle. Our Abba loves a true, contrite heart. Our prayers may not be perfect, but He has promised to always hear us and He always answers.

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