January 5, 2023

Categories: Direction

My Word

I’m terrible at New Year’s resolutions. Don’t even like to think about them. It’s almost as if the behavior I decide to rehabilitate is the very thing that I will never accomplish. Ever. What is that about anyway?

Years ago I read a piece on this very thing. How we long to improve ourselves but seem to fail. As I read through the piece, it became apparent my resolutions were simply ideas I tried to accomplish on my own without the leading or power of Abba God.

I think it is natural as God’s children to desire to move forward toward maturity. When we receive Jesus we are justified, immediately. It is then He begins the process of sanctification in us.Only He can successfully direct and accomplish our sanctification. I think my New Year resolutions were my human striving to do only what He can do.

That being said, I began to listen. As a year would begin to wind down, I’d try to pay attention. If I realized I was hearing the same word or phrase repeatedly from different sources, I’d write it down. I would trust that Abba God was speaking and I needed to pay attention. On a regulat basis, I would take that word or phrase as my Word for the next year. It would be a focal point for me.

In past years, some of my “words” have been:
Draw Near
Be still
Just to name a few.

These words have never failed me. In those years they weregiven to me, they were the very words I needed to get me through. It seems remarkable I know. But I have several friends with the same practice and they have been blessed too.

This year I keep hearing, “Do not fear.” When I read the Word Abba keeps telling the Jewish nation and particular individuals the same thing, “Do not fear.” I think those might be my 2023 words.

I”m still listening.

Can I encourage everyone to listen? What phrases or particular word do you hear repeatedly? Would you like to try the “Word” instead of a resolution? It works better for me.

(There is a whole book on this topic…if you like give it a read.)

Here’s to a 2023 filled with Abba God’s richest blessings…but most of all, to Him walking this dirt road life with us.

Share it with your friends!