October 20, 2022

Categories: Growth

Taste and See

I think the season of life when our children were babies and toddlers might be one of the sweetest seasons of our life. Watching them discover their hands or toes…seeing their joy at falling leaves…realizing they could roll over or stand or walk…their eyes would light up. You could see the amazement in their eyes as they discovered the world.

Oh, and food. Food was an adventure everyday. I didn’t have picky eaters. For the most part, they ate the food placed in front of them. But, on that rare occasion, getting them to try something new was a difficult job.

It seemed no amount of asking, pleading, begging, entertaining, or distracting would entice them to try that “yucky” looking stuff. My patient self would appeal to their reason. (I know you’re laughing.) Next I’d promise a reward. Then would come the threat, “No cookie if you don’t try.” Or we will not go outside and play.

On occasion the food they turned down would be really great tasting food. Other times not so much, but healthy. How to get that obstinate little fellow to agree to TASTE?

I tell Baxter all the time, “You can’t make someone believe something they don’t want to believe. You can’t make someone like you if they don’t. You certainly can’t make someone love you.” The truth is we aren’t in control. People think and believe as they choose. So how do I get that little one to choose to taste?

For our little fellows, I’d always put a tiny amount of food on a very small spoon and somehow get it in that tightly clenched mouth. If they liked it, the biggest smile would erupt on their little face. Then there would be a request for more…and more. They had a taste.

I think it may be just a little like that with telling others about our Yeshua, our YHWH. They tightly close their spiritual mouth and just won’t taste. They have decided this following Jesus, believing in their hearts and confessing Jesus is Lord thing isn’t going to “taste” good. And if we try to force a small “taste” on them, we get that spewed back out all over us.

But, when someone does taste of the goodness, mercy, and graciousness of our loving God…they want more and more of Him. It just takes one real, authentic taste.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good, How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8 NASB

Taste, dear ones, just taste.

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