Desert Seasons
The desert is not a place most people enjoy. It is harsh. There is little to no water. Shade is scarce. It isn’t a place where life flourishes, at least at first glance.
Our oldest grandson Luke loves the desert. The whole family went to Death Valley, Zion National Park,and Red Rock Canyon in 2017. All the children loved the desert but especially Luke. Luke saw the beauty in the desert.
There is a certain beauty in the desert. The brush, rock formations, cacti etc. It is so different from this NC piedmont. But no less beautiful
We talk about “desert seasons” in life. Our definition of that season usually includes difficulty or pain or hardship. And most usually that is true.
What if, when we find ourselves in a desert season, we could be like Luke and see the beauty of it? That this season will be where Abba God is so close, so comforting, so dear. This desert is wearing all the rough places away to make us beautiful. We will learn to find beauty and sustenance in the most difficult places. We will look to Abba to lead us through.
The biggest lesson I learned about the desert that year was to hydrate. It is so hot and dry in Death Valley, you don’t realize you’re losing water because your sweat immediately evaporates. You become severely dehydrated before you know it. You must constantly drink water.
I think that is key in our spiritual desert seasons too. As we move through a desert season, drinking from the Source of living water will sustain us with the spiritual hydration needed to survive.
Perhaps, the desert might even become a place we find spiritual refreshment.
When Mari first moved to New Mexico I didn’t like the desert everywhere it was dry and dusty. After many trips there I started noticing the beautiful of the desert and it has become an enjoyable place. The same with my spiritual life, as I have grown older I have learned that even in the desert the Lord sends rain and we can flourish at any season, place, with friends or alone.