June 23, 2022

Categories: Completeness

Garden of Eden

I’m sure i must have said it before, but I really think that if Abba God had not meant for us to garden, He would not have placed mankind in a garden.

When I think of the things I really need mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I find most if not all of them in my garden. So how much more would the needs of man be met in that perfect garden?

I need quiet. The stillness in early morning with dew on leaves and songbirds waking up. Or the end of the day when the sun dips low in the sky and the light rays make the color of roses so intense.

I need wonder. The absolute miracle of life in a seed. How something that appears so dead has the potential for beauty or for food.

I need beauty. The leaves and flowers and creatures. Every single one different in form or texture or size.

I need rest. After working hard, I need the beautiful place to sit and still my thoughts and reflect.

I need purpose. The garden always needs tending. The food, flowers, abundance to consume or share give me purpose. A good work to do provided for me by Abba God.

I need fellowship. Some of my best memories are those with Baxter, our parents, our children or grandchildren together in the garden. How Adam and Eve must have looked forward to the evenings when God would walk in the garden with them.

And I need Abba God. I need a Savior, Yeshua. I need Holy Spirit. Some of my best lessons have been in a garden listening, praying, waiting as I worked.

This is not a comprehensive list. Are these are universal needs? Maybe…probably…What do you need? For me, the garden holds new treasure each time I go. I want that for everyone…their own Garden of Eden.

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