Advent is upon us. We find ourselves waiting for the Messiah…the Christ Child. Webster’s 1828 dictionary gives the definition of Advent as “coming”. The dictionary said it specifically spoke of the Savior’s coming. I find myself waiting…waiting…for someone to receive salvation, for a person who is sick to be healed, for a family to reconcile, for Jesus to come.
This season of drab, gray forests, icy mornings and stillness is filled with expectancy. Hope. A beautiful child was born in a stable. The Bible tells us Anna and Simeon have been praying in the temple for much of their lives to see the Messiah. Their days of counting are over. He has come. When Jesus is brought to the temple to be circumcised, they see Him. God’s promise is fulfilled.
I realize I am waiting too.
In my life, I count the days in winter until we can plow that garden. I count the days until family birthdays. I count the days until we go on mission trips. I count the days until we get the first tomato. Seems I am always counting.
By December 1, I will put up our Jesse Tree. There are no ornaments on it when we begin. Each day Baxter and I add an ornament that portrays a prophecy from the Old Testament on the Jesse Tree. We read that prophetic scripture and have a small devotion.
Also on December 1, I place our wooden Advent Wreath on the coffee table. We move the candle forward one spot each day (It has 25 spots for the candle.) There is a wooden Mary riding a donkey that we also move forward every day. I imagine she is traveling to Bethlehem.
We are counting days. Anticipating Messiah. Celebrating His sure and certain birth. All this counting of days increases the excitement and anticipation of the hope Abba God gave us in His Son.
I don’t want Christmas to be superficial for my family. In all of the carols and eating and gift giving and programs…I hope to do a decent job counting the days until our Blessed Hope comes.
Do you count too?
I appreciate your weekly inspirational stories and observations.
So enjoyed reading the history of Jesse tree.
Beautiful Gwen ❤️