August 26, 2021

Categories: Discernment


Whether they are tall and mighty, short and scrubby, trees are a wonder. The mighty redwoods take your breath. The small scrubby pine hanging onto a rock on a mountainside gives you pause…how does it survive in such a harsh environment? The memory of the pear tree I climbed as a child. Trees are so diverse.

The deciduous trees fascinate me. They move through each season with a specific change. Spring brings buds that burst open with new green leaves. Summer sees the trees fully clothed with luscious green leaves. The leaves create food that is stored for winter. The leaves give shade and seem to sing when the wind blows. In Fall, the trees burst into vivid colors. Many colors. Then as winter creeps in, the leaves drop and the trees sleep.

The sleeping trees look the same as the dead trees. If we just look into a forest, we don’t immediately identify the dead trees. They blend in with the living trees that are only sleeping during the winter.

Sometimes when I look at trees in winter I think they are like people. Just looking at someone does not give you a clear assessment of their character, their belief system, their pain, their joy. The people with broken hearts don’t readily appear different from the joy-filled people. Sometimes they do…but we have learned to wear masks. The abused, the neglected, the wounded…they walk among the joyful ones.

As I look out my study window in winter, I see all the trees. Some are just sleeping, but the ones that have died just blend in with the living ones. I think it is the same with people. The blending in makes it difficult to identify those in need of a smile or pat on the back or just kindness. Or maybe they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Discernment is an absolute need.

I think I must look with “new eyes” at people. I need discernment. Hopefully, I can respond to the one I’m supposed to. Speak to another. Call someone experiencing loss. Or simply utter a breath prayer for those that are walking wounded.

After all, hasn’t each one of us been the “walking wounded” at some point in life?

Maybe I need to walk with more of the grace of Jesus toward others…maybe I need a tune-up in the discernment department.

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