God’s Voice
What does His Voice sound like? Scripture tells us it can be a “still small voice”…a whisper. Scripture tells us God’s Voice “thunders”. This makes sense to me. Don’t we all shout and whisper? Why wouldn’t our God?
Have you been in a group and everyone is speaking at once? The longer the talking goes on the louder it gets. Each person trying to speak loudly enough to be heard over the others. In reality, no one can hear anyone.
I think that’s one reason I love the garden. Let’s face it, there is not a crowd in a garden. The work is hot and sweaty. Gardening appears to be hard work…maybe it is …but I can be alone with Father God. Solitude is a blessing because I can hear Him so much easier. There is no “world noise” to distract me.
I have to confess so many times, that “still small voice “has spoken in my heart. I heard it, sort of…but I allowed my own thoughts to “shout down” the voice of God. To dismiss what I heard in my heart. Shameful. Absolutely shameful. How could this fault-filled girl ignore the voice of the true and living God?
Not making excuses for myself or any of us, but I think that the busyness of life distracts me. I forget to practice stillness in my spirit…stillness to hear Him speak.I am being more intentional in my listening. When I think I hear His voice in my heart, I pause.
Being alone with Him in the garden, on the lawn mower, walking/running your miles for the day, that morning cup of coffee…we can all find that quiet place. A place where we pause. That place to practice hearing from Him.
There are many ways He speaks…are we listening?
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Wonderful words spoken here! Thanks friend for continuing to share your thoughts with us.
I love so much my time away with God, at times He speaks but I’m just so filled with my own thoughts I block him out. Can you believe this? I must acknowledge all my deficiencies and let Him have his ways in me. But you know what; He’s my Father and he looks at me through his love for me. Have a great day Gwen.☀️
This is a hard one. I have tried to respond but I erased my words before hitting Post. Comment. I believe it’s because I don’t want anyone to see my “confession.” Suffice it to say I am giving deep thought to your post and the messages I hear, the nudging I feel. Keep sending us your Thursday posts. They encourage introspection. 🥰