June 18, 2020

Categories: Comfort

Feel His Presence

Feel” His Presence
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31;6NASB

“…Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20NASB

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.” John 14:16NASB

Here are three times in scripture we hear the promise that we are not alone. Our Heavenly Father is present with us. His Word declares it, so it is true. How is it then that we doubt? Why do we assume God has left us to our own devices when He clearly promised to always be with us?

We look for Him to show up. Maybe in the sunrise….our child’s smile….a call from a friend…On the happy days, how easily we claim that He is with us. Some days, those excruciating painful days, we need to “feel” His Presence. We cry out to the Father to come, be by our side. We moan and groan that we are alone to face pain and loss. We scream with all earnestness that we will not be able to continue to breathe if He doesn’t show up. We claim He doesn’t come…because we don’t “feel” His Presence. But…He is with us.

Feelings can be most undependable.

Consider this. When we experience a catastrophic health event, an automobile accident, a fall from a ladder, a severe burn…our bodies go into shock. We do not immediately experience the full impact of the trauma that’s been perpetrated on these bodies of flesh. That’s probably a good thing. We couldn’t handle major trauma all at once. We understand that immediately after catastrophic events, we are not expected to perceive and react to all that is going on around us. We do not expect to be fully functioning. It isn’t realistic. Why then, do we expect immediate recovery from a “spirit trauma”?

Consider this. When a loved one dies, when we are betrayed by someone dear, when falsehood is spread about us, whatever the spirit wound might be….could our spirits be in “shock”? The wound is so grievous we become spiritually numb? The pain is too great to bear all at once? The oil of His Presence, His healing words, and time will bring relief. But meantime, maybe our spirit is “in shock”? We are unable to cope with overwhelming trauma all at once. Maybe our ability to “feel” is temporarily suspended. No condemnation or guilt should assault us…though try it will. We are wounded. Broken. We are unable to function spiritually just like the patient wounded in the flesh cannot function. We have been dealt a “death blow”.

Why do we assume or expect to “feel” or experience God as if nothing had happened? Isn’t this unrealistic?

Our Father God like any dear father is by His child ministering to us. Waiting for His “medicine” to bring us back to ourselves. He is there! He is with us! He is faithful. He loves us with a steadfast love. Perhaps, in our numbed spiritual state we are unable to perceive it, but He is there!

Do not grieve that you are unable to sense His Presence. Do not shame yourself. Graciously allow yourself time to recover. Put no unrealistic expectation on yourself. REST. Rest in the knowledge that He has promised to never leave us. NEVER. His Word stands true forever and He never changes. If He said it…He will do it.

There are times the monotony and drudgery of life can dim our awareness of His Presence. Again, our perception is tainted by circumstances. It changes nothing. Our God is with us.

It has been my experience in the darkest of times that He has always been with me….no matter how I felt. It is the same for our daily life. He is with me when I clean house, mow the yard, buy groceries, or have serious health issues. He is with me when I’m tired and cross. He is with me.

Today, He encourages me that no matter how I feel, no matter the circumstances, tragic or mundane, He is with us. I can lay aside feelings, false perceptions, and unrealistic expectations. God’s truth is always dependable..always reliable.

Our Father, our Abba is with us always.

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