June 4, 2020

Categories: Relationship


2 Corinthians 2:14-16

I don’t make New Years resolutions. I can’t keep them… I ask Father God for a  “word”…just one word…My word for the year. Usually sometime in the summer or fall I will hear this word in conversation..perhaps find it in devotions or teaching…but the word will come up repeatedly. That’s when I take notice. I trust that if I am hearing the same thing from different sources, maybe I should pay attention.

As we were coming into fall 2019, I kept hearing people talk about fragrance. They were talking about scented candles..room fresheners…essential oils…perfume…fragrance. I realized that would be my word for 2020. Fragrance.

But how would that translate into my life? Where would I find a guide in scripture? 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 ESV “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death , to the other  a fragrance from life to life.

Let me just say that sometimes I don’t understand things quickly. I can miss Father God ……entirely. I first thought, “ Oh yes. People will see us …Believers… and will see we belong to Christ.” No silly girl. Thats sight…not smell.

The Word says, “we are the aroma of Christ to God.” How do I “smell” like Christ? 

Lets first look at Jesus being called Messiah. Messiah means, “anointed one”. Jesus is the  “anointed one”.  That last week of Jesus’ earthly life, we find Him anointed with very costly ointment. In John 12, scripture says the fragrance filled the whole house. These oils and their fragrance remained for some time…not like our fragrances today. Kings and priests were anointed with these special oils. It set them apart as different from the common person. So not just the garments of the kings and priests…not just the entourage that accompanied kings…a person could recognize a king by his fragrance.

Early in the last week of Jesus’ earthly life, Jesus had been anointed with costly nard. After the Passover supper Jesus and the disciples are in the garden. The soldiers arrive with Judas for the arrest. Jesus asks the question,”Who do you seek?”. The reply is, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus tells them He is Jesus of Nazareth. The soldiers fall back. So Jesus asks again who they seek and the reply is again, Jesus of Nazareth. Our Messiah has to tell them the second time that He is Jesus. 

Why are they confused? Of course I’m no scholar…but I wonder…did Jesus look like a rabbi…but smell like a king? Did Jesus the Anointed One smell like THE Anointed One? 

So, how does this affect us? For me , as I spend time with Jesus…when I place my head on His chest in sorrow or exhaustion…when I am so close to Him that His fragrance attaches to me…is this when I leave His Presence and His fragrance goes into the world with me? Does carrying the fragrance of Christ indicate intimacy and close fellowship with Him?

Allow me to use an illustration. You are at church. Here comes the sweetest little grandma in the church. She has her purse and Bible..her best dress on..a huge smile on her face. She hugs everybody because she loves everybody with a real Jesus love. She also wears Estee Lauder perfume. She wraps her sweet arms around you…tells you she loves you..kisses your cheek…and moves to the next person. You head to the car…your wife/husband asks “Where have you been?” You smell like Estee Lauder. You’ve been close to the one who wears Estee Lauder.

When I am in such close, intimate relationship with Jesus, His fragrance attaches to me. I smell like He smells…When we leave our worship place with Him…go out into the world..we carry His fragrance….

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