March 20, 2025

Categories: Salvation


Change. When you look at a daffodil bulb, or a tulip bulb, aren’t they ugly? Really not appealing at all. If you didn’t know about bulbs, would you ever imagine they would produce glorious beauty? I wouldn’t.

I plant bulbs in the late fall and sometimes if I’ve been lazy, even February. If an unknowing person came along, I’m sure they would think me crazy to put so much effort putting those ugly things in the soil just the correct way. As ugly as they appear, they don’t look as if they have worth .

But there were times in the past couple of centuries (1800s and 1900s) when new tulip hybrids would bring a fortune…thousands of dollars. The rich and famous would pay enormous amounts of money to have the latest hybrid.

And when we look at that ugly bulb you just have to wonder, “Why?” It was because of the treasure the bulb contained.

Maybe we are like those bulbs. Ugly to the sight with our sin and rebellion toward our God. But He sees the beautiful person He created us to be. Father God paid an enormous price to purchase us. He gave His dear Son. Our debt was paid with His shed blood and we are made new creations in Christ. We only have to receive Him as Savior and Lord.

Our new life is like that beautiful flower that comes from that ugly bulb. We are nothing like we used to be. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

So when the spring bulbs send up their green shoots and those beautiful flower heads, I rejoice. They can remind us of the great hope we possess in Christ Jesus… eternal life…in His Presence.

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