February 20, 2025

Categories: Love

Making Room

Remember those school days when there was no room for you? You weren’t chosen for a team because you weren’t fast enough or no one liked you enough? The lunch table where the group had spaces left at the table but there was no room for you? Wanting desperately to walk with those girls or pal along with those boys. But there was never a place for you. They would not make room for you in their life. What was that anyway?

Were those people so hurt, scared, or broken inside that having the power to deny others of friendship somehow made them think they were ok? I don’t have good answers. But that treatment doesn’t end with our growing up years.

How about being denied entrance into an exclusive book club, country club, or chosen for an office? Doesn’t it seem the same? At least, doesn’t it “feel” the same?

What about that person at church who makes an effort to talk to you each week? They aren’t connected to the church yet and seem so needy…but we have no room for them in our life? Is Christ pleased? I don’t think so.

And what of the grandparent, aunt, uncle, elderly friend? They live at home alone or in a facility. Family and friends do not go to see them. They have no room in their lives for those family members.

Making room in our life for others is not an elective. It isn’t something we can choose to do or not do. If we are choosing to neglect someone Abba God has placed in our life. A person who needs love and attention…maybe we need to have what I call a “Come to Jesus” meeting with ourself and Abba. 

I understand that the sick and the forgotten can be unpleasant at best. But there are others that will bless us beyond anything we could imagine. The point is, if Abba says “Do it!”..we better get busy.

Scripture is full of the command to love others. To provide for those that are needy, lonely, forgotten…I think our society today is more guilty of forgetting and leaving people behind than ever before. Look at Israel in the desert. The tribe of Dan was the tribe at the rear of the column as it traveled. The Amalekites and others were able to pick off the lame, sick and elderly. Dan did not do his job well. He should have protected the stragglers. When the tribes of Israel are listed in Revelation 7:4-8. Dan is not listed among them. Did Dan’s actions in the desert have anything to do with it? Something to think about.

In any case, our Messiah Yeshua always showed His heart for those at a disadvantage. He made a way for those castaways to be brought back into the family of God. He took away shame and brought restoration…since we belong to Him we should do the same.

Who are you…who am I… not making any room for in our lives?

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