February 6, 2025

Categories: Cleansing

Donkey Poop

“For the sake of your great name, forgive my iniquity, even though it is great.” Psalm 25:11

I know you are thinking, ”What in the world?” 

In my morning time with Abba God, I begin speaking the Word back to Him. Praise and worship before I begin to intercede. Then just before my prayers, I quote Psalm 25:11, knowing I have much to confess and get right with the Father. I try to keep short accounts with Him.

When I read Paul David Tripp in the mornings, he continually reminds us we have a sin problem. Not just sin that surrounds us but sin that is within us. We, however, tend to minimize our own sin and magnify the sin of others. If we are honest, that is just what happens so many times.

One day out working on the stable I looked at Katie Grace. She is just the cutest Jerusalem Cross donkey. I love to hear her “sing” in the mornings. And I had been thinking for a while that she always poops in the same places. Nothing random, just her favorite places. 

Then there it was. I thought that must be what my sin looks like spiritually. The same things I repeatedly do or don’t do, the hateful thoughts, the cross words. My pile of sin looks and smells spiritually like Katie Grace’s “piles” do naturally. Not a pretty picture.

So morning by morning, I strive to be diligent in cleaning up my spiritual life. Our Yeshua is just too precious to bring shame to His name. The discipline of morning prayer, worship, and praise becomes a joy. We come to Him confidently, knowing that the “ugly pile” is going to be cleaned up.

Isn’t our Father, our Yeshua, and Holy Spirit just the best?

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