Mama Kate’s Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving season has a distinctive look. Some leaves are full of vibrant color…others are still green…still others are dark brown, bunched in piles. When Thanksgiving would begin to draw close, Mama Kate would deliver her annual speech of “leaf removal”. She had giant red leaf oaks all over the yard and they were quite prolific. She had no intention of those leaves staying in her yard for Thanksgiving. So my Pappy, or my Dad or both would get those leaves up.
She would begin planning her meal weeks in advance. While we were not wealthy, you would never have known by the platters of vegetables, homemade bread, fruit, a huge turkey, and her famous oyster dressing. Her pies and cakes were beautiful to behold and even better when we ate them.
She set her dining room table at least a month in advance. Using her best china and flatware, her Thanksgiving tablecloth, and those beautiful green glasses, she created a table to rival any decorator.
There was no central heat in her house. Pappy would have a fire burning in both fireplaces. The kitchen would be hot from all the cooking and baking. The smells of Thanksgiving would float over the whole house. When we walked in, everything said, “Welcome. Come in. You belong here. This is your family. I have made a feast for you. I love you.”
As Thanksgiving approaches, these memories flood my heart. They are precious, happy memories. And they speak to me of another feast.
As God’s children, there will be a feast for us one day. Our Father will have prepared our place at the table. We will know we belong there…that this is our family…and that our Father God loves us as no one else can.
Our Yeshua Jesus has made the way for us. Let’s give Him praise and thanks for who He is…for what He has done and what He will do…Let’s remember…and give thanks.
Such a great post. Thank you!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to y’all ❤️