When October arrives, I begin to look back over the year taking inventory of accomplishments, failures, success, memorable events. It isn’t to daydream or wish I could change things, (Though certainly there are things I’d like to change.) rather it is an inventory. It is a calling myself into account. Have I given glory to God? Have I loved my family and friends well? Have I grown spiritually? Have I encouraged others? Have I harmed others? Have I kept my promises?
In giving thanks this time of year, I always give thanks for our Abba God’s faithfulness, His mercies, His lovingkindness, His very self. And even that we have come through the year. Especially those especially difficult years.
As I inventory this year, I can honestly list these items.
Abba protected me and my family.
We have grown spiritually. Abba has been faithful to teach and discipline all of us.
While there were a couple of times we were sick, (COVID. Flu) There were only a couple.
We have our health. Baxter still runs and I walk…4 to 6 miles/session.
Our youngest grandson graduated from high school.
Our middle grandson is in his last year at Clemson.
Our oldest granddaughter is in her second year at UNCW.
Our oldest grandson became engaged. We are getting another granddaughter.
Our middle granddaughter is involved in theater and loving her life.
Our youngest granddaughter is homeschooled and doing great.
Our children and their spouses are thriving in their spiritual life and their business lives.
Baxter can still go to his office and do the work he enjoys so much.
I can still participate in foreign and local mission work.
And this is only a partial list. I have not finished counting. One HUGE blessing I can share with you is all the answered prayers. Abba has done mighty things in the lives and situations we have prayed for. Some things we’ve prayed for years and years…with no answer…but these mighty answers build our faith. We know our Abba will answer in such a way that will bless people and bring Him glory.
And what an answer that is! I can speak to Abba and with a true heart want what He wants. I’m not sure if it is living all these years and seeing that certainly His way is best. Or hopefully my heart has been changed too.
Look around in the daily walk today. See the glorious colors…pumpkins..blue skies or clouds with rain…give thanks. GIVE THANKS. We don’t need to thank Him for bad circumstances, but we can thank Him in those circumstances. Our Father still reigns. He continuously desires to give us what we need. He desires to dwell in our hearts.
Count. Take inventory. Let’s offer thanks to our greatest gift…Jesus…our Messiah.
A beautiful and kind call to remember and give thanks.
Thanks Gwen your post are always up lifting😊
Great to do inventory, He has truly blessed us through pain, heartache, joy and multiple blessings! We have grown!! In faith, praying, trust, forgiveness, acceptance and most of all HOPE!❤️