What is “security”, really? Is it a safe place? Financial independence? Lack of danger? Absence of tyranny? Peace? What gives you or me security?
Sing praises to God, sing praises;
Sing praises to our King, sing praises.
For God is King of all the earth;
Sing praises with a skillful psalm.
God reigns over the nations,God sits on His holy throne. Psalm 47:6-8 NASB
All of Psalm 47 proclaims the authority of the true and living God. It is a psalm of the sons of Korah…not written by King David. From beginning to end, the psalmist praises our God as King, Ruler, and ultimate authority. Do you believe this? Do I believe this? Or on an even deeper level, do you TRUST this is true?
You may ask, “What is the difference between ‘believe’ and ‘trust’? Are they not one and the same? For me, No.
There is an old story told of the man who walked across Niagara Falls on a cable. He walked the cable several times carrying that long balancing pole. The crowds were amazed at this ability. He then asked if the crowd believed he could ride a bike across the cable. Emphatically, they said,”Yes!”
They believed he could walk that cable. They believed he could ride a bike over the falls on that cable. Now the acrobat asks once more “Do you still believe I am able to cross these falls walking or riding on this cable?” Again, the answer is, “Yes”. He makes certain they believe he is still able to perform this mighty act.
Now he asks,”Who will climb on my back and ride while I cross the falls?” No one came forward. They believed he could…but they did not trust that he could. Especially when their life was at risk. They would not trust themself to this daredevil. No way. Their life was too precious to risk. Now it didn’t seem certain. It made all the difference when they had to cross the falls depending on this man.
This is our life in Him. Do you believe our God is King of the Universe? That He is able to do all things? Will you stake your very existence on it? This is where we really discover who we are and Whose we are. Will we carry our belief into action? Will we TRUST?
Where will we discover our true security? For me, it’s Him. I can face a lot of stuff knowing He is in control. Remembering that no one is in charge but Him, steadies me. It doesn’t mean there is no war. It doesn’t mean I get my prayers answered my way. It doesn’t mean there is no cancer. It doesn’t mean my life or your life is “perfect”. We reside in a fallen world. However, our God still reigns. We can run to Him always… and there we are truly secure.
Wow, what a great example of faith! 🩷