August 22, 2024

Categories: Correction

Sleeping Seeds

Seeds have always been a mystery to me. They appear completely lifeless…yet those seeds can contain a massive tree, tomatoes, flowers, any number of possibilities. Maybe that’s why seed stories stick with me.

Years ago when Charles Kuralt was the host of CBS Good Morning, he featured a story on seeds that apparently had been dormant or sleeping as I call it, for years. It was about the desert blooming.

We have visited Death Valley a couple of times. It is harsh and unforgiving. It is a wonder any life can thrive there. Yet on this Sunday morning, Kuralt had video of the desert in full bloom. Wildflowers of all colors were blooming with complete abandon. It was a marvel to see. How did this happen?

It seems that this particular spring, there had been more rainfall in Death Valley than it received  in a year, much less in a few months. The botanists Kuralt consulted said seeds would naturally blow in but without enough moisture, they could not germinate. So there they would lie…sleeping.

Sleeping until the right amount of moisture and sun were available.

I had  a moment when I found envy/jealousy popping right up in my heart. Now, I was pretty shocked. I LOVE to see others thrive and do well. To fulfill the purposes God created them for. For people to have wonderful relationships and thrive…so why did this ugliness pop up?

I sought the Lord’s counsel. In the past, hurts had been inflicted. I had dealt with that and thought it was thrown away forever. Forgiven, covered with grace, a non-issue. However, when that “seed” was watered with a new hurt and circumstances set up to broadside me, it just germinated and sprouted again.

Thankfully, sprouts are easily pulled up and tossed on the burn pile. The hole that’s left will be filled with God’s grace and forgiveness, forgiveness we then extend to the offender.

My point is that sin in our flesh seems to me like those sleeping seeds in Death Valley.  The world we live in allows those seeds to blow into our life and lie dormant, waiting for the opportunity to grow. Our flesh will always have its sinful ways as long as we are on this earth. But scripture tells us we are daily dying to sin, that we crucify the flesh. We don’t allow the environment of our heart to become a place where those seeds of sin can sprout, take root, and destroy. Maybe we do have events that allow those sin-seeds to germinate, but we do not nurture them and give place to them in our life. We destroy those sin-sprouts and throw them out.

It blessed me when I prayed to ask for help and forgiveness. Abba God was so gracious and merciful to remind me that though “seeds”  might blow in…He is there…He is the Master Gardener and it is He who tends our heart.

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