August 15, 2024

Categories: Hope

Preparing a Place for Me

In the spring of 1973, Baxter was on a search for a home. A home for the two of us. We were getting married in May. We had a little money saved but we were still in college, scheduled to graduate in May, so there was no money to build a home. We would need to rent for a while. He was focused on finding an accounting job and a home for us. Thinking back, it was wonderful. This young man, making preparations for our life together.

In the Jewish culture, the father finds a potential bride for his son. This is part one of the betrothal process…the arrangement phase. In this phase the potential bride was identified, the details of the marriage agreement were negotiated and the betrothal covenant was agreed upon.

The second phase is the “kiddushin”  or the sanctification/preparation phase.  This is the Betrothal phase. It was a time the bride and bridegroom set themselves apart and prepared physically and spiritually for the marriage.

The third phase is the Celebration phase. It usually came about a year after the betrothal. This is when the bridegroom returns to claim his bride and includes the wedding celebration.

In the Betrothal phase when all the details are agreed upon, there is a meal. The bridegroom will offer the potential bride a cup of wine. If she chooses to accept him as her husband, she will receive the cup and drink from it. After this “party” the bridegroom leaves for a season. He goes to build a home for himself and his bride. This is usually a room or set of rooms that is attached to his Father’s home. These Hebrew homes would have multiple families living together in the Fathers house.

So when Yeshua was having His last meal with the disciples in the Upper Room, the language Yeshua used was very familiar to these Hebrew men. When Yeshua told them He was going to prepare a place for them, they understood that “betrothal language”. 

Like those disciples, I understood that He was using Betrothal language. That Yeshua was going to prepare a place for them, for you, for me…but until recently…it was understood in my head and not really in my heart.

One morning while I was praying, I clearly knew that my Messiah, my Savior, was making a particular place for ME. He is building/preparing my heavenly abode now. It is a heavenly reality. Like Baxter all those years ago, Yeshua is preparing my particular place to dwell…and He is preparing your particular place to dwell…with Him…eternally.

This is a beautiful hope.  

I love the way our God…our Yeshua teaches us with illustrations and imagery that help us understand spiritual realities.

Let’s hold on to Him and this beautiful promise.

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