Some people in our life are just beyond special. There is no way to explain why a special bond forms with them and not someone else…we just see them as larger than life. Special. Dear. No one anywhere can fill their place in our heart. For me, that was my Pappy. He was my Dad’s father. Born in 1894, times were hard. His family farmed and so did he. Pappy fought in WWI. He was in the 81st Wildcat Division, Company F, 321st Infantry. They saw horrible fighting and sights no one should see.
When he returned from the war, Pappy married and began to farm. He and my grandmother raised 3 sons. Those sons served in WWII. But only my Dad came home, worked a job, and farmed on the side.
Living next door to them was wonderful. We could walk over there or ride a bike. We stayed with them while our parents worked their public jobs. I can’t be grateful enough for that. Staying with them was the best.
When my Pappy would come in from the fields at lunch, he ate, then took a wooden “straight chair” and sat out under the big oak trees that were around the house and read the daily newspaper. We didn’t bother him then…that was his time. Then it was back to the fields.
I think of him so often. His life was a faith life for sure. He cut the ground open with a plow pulled by a mule. I can still hear him shouting at that mule. Next came putting in the seed. Waiting and praying for enough sun…enough rain…and then hopefully harvest.
A man had to have a good amount of faith to farm. You never knew just how wet or hot it would be. You didn’t know if the seed would germinate. Yet faithfully he planted. He did his part and our God did the rest.
I think perhaps that should be our faith life. Getting up every day…looking to the Father knowing He is able and will be mighty on our behalf. Doing our part too. Listen to His voice…read the Word and put it in our heart to live by…be faithful everyday…plant the seed of His Word and watch what our God will do.
For me, my faith walk is just that. Showing up everyday…loving our Abba…studying His Word…trying to faithfully walk those precepts out…believing Him…then watch Him be mighty.
What does it look like for you?
Great post I could visualize it and identify with it.