January 18, 2024

Categories: Instruction

Simeon and Anna

I love the story of Simeon and Anna. Two persons in the Christmas story that are sometimes excluded. Our Abba God put it in their hearts to stay in the Temple and pray for the promised Messiah…and they did.

Read Luke 2:21-38. Joseph and Mary go to the Temple to present Jesus to the Lord as required by Torah. There they encounter two persons who are overjoyed to see their child.

It never ceases to amaze me how our God puts desires in our hearts. We know they come from Him because frankly, we would never think of them. Our desires tend to be self-centered and selfish. But here are two individuals praying in the Temple consistently.

Simeon we are told, has been promised he would not die until he had seen the “consolation of Israel”. And Anna. she had been a widow for years, She was only married for 7 years. Scripture tells us she never left the Temple…always praying.

Here are two people God specially equipped to fulfill His purpose. And they were faithful. I can’t imagine the joy they experienced. The fulfillment of their hope and prayers. They were holding the promise to Israel in their arms. Simeon breaks into a song of blessing. Anna gives thanksgiving and doesn’t stop telling everyone about Him.

I always wonder about a person’s walk in life.
Had they heard about the angels in the field outside Bethlehem?
Had they heard about the shepherd’s visit to the stable?
Had they seen the lights of glory over Bethlehem as the Heavens opened up for the angel choir?
Had the gossip mill repeated the story of that night?
Did they dare to hope their prayers were answered?

I can’t say…but I love to ask and think and remember.
The last question I ask myself and you too is this: Were Simeon and Anna in some way spiritual parents of the Messiah? Did their prayers assist in the fulfillment of the prophecy? I know prayer is powerful.

I’m walking this cold January pondering the miracles of Christmas. I’m looking at the marvel of all our dear Abba does…but I am giving thanks for the gift of Himself in all of us.

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