Pinch Prayers
Prayer may be the mightiest weapon we have. It certainly is one of the dearest blessings we have. That human beings can approach the Living God and speak with Him. Stop and think for a moment. How huge is that? Huge.
When someone is important they have “gatekeepers”. I completely understand. There are safety concerns…time management…work space…rest…and more. Those of us who are part of the “common people” don’t have access to let’s say, the president, the rock star, the movie idol, etc. We don’t expect to have that kind of access.
Think how it would look for Susie Q to walk through the gate at the White House, head to the Oval Office walk right in, sit down, and begin to give the president her expert opinion on his policies.
Or how about this one? The movie star and his/her family sitting down to dinner and Lanky Lou walks in and takes a place at the table. Gets a plate and starts to eat.
Obviously, these intruders should not have access. They have no relationship with these important people. And relationship is the keyword.
Those of us who claim a relationship with the true and living God have access. Even though He is King of the Universe, we can walk right into His throne room, climb into our Father’s arms, and rest right there, talking to Him as long as we need to.
Now I believe and understand that when we first cried out to our Father and came to Him and He saved us, we did not know Him as we do now. But I just want to ask, “After coming to Him, if we never talk to Him, if we never acknowledge Him except when we are in a pinch, is that okay?” Are these “pinch prayers” okay? When we ignore the King of the Universe?
We claim a relationship with Him but we never speak to Him except when we need something or want something. Try that with a spouse, a child, or a parent and see what happens.
If we say we are His, maybe we should act like it…
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