November 24, 2023

Categories: Thanks


Let’s pause before the holiday rush to celebrate and give thanks. Let’s look back over 2023 and remember. How is it we have come this far? The only answer is our Abba God.

We have seen happy days of service and sad days of loss. But always, He has been with us guiding, directing, teaching, and providing. As we come to this time of thanksgiving, let’s look at what it means to truly “give thanks”.

When we serve, it is His grace that provides all we need. Whether that is time, ability, or resources, His marvelous grace is always sufficient. We don’t have the talent or the means to do what He has called us to…but He provides for us and gives us all we need to accomplish the work He has given us to do.

This free gift, His giving grace creates thanksgiving in our hearts. There is a sense of awe that He does provide, deliver, and save. You know it in your head, but when the Creator of the Universe shows up and does His mighty deeds, we are struck with the awesomeness of Who He is and the mighty power He alone possesses. We are overcome with Him…His love…His forgiveness…this marvelous grace. We can only give thanks.

Then something else remarkable happens…we have joy. Somehow giving thanks back to the Father for His grace in our lives brings joy to our hearts. Serving others using the resources He provides…bringing Him glory…seeing our God as He is…giving thanks to Him…joy fills us and overflows in our lives.

How blessed it is to love and serve the true and living God. To be enthralled with His grace and love. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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