October 19, 2023

Categories: Worship

Morning Worship

Sometimes I like to try and describe our Abba God…to adore Him by remembering all He is. I’m not great at it. But it is from my heart and I always pray it pleases Him.

Father, You are great.
You alone are glorious.
You are all-knowing.
You are full of mercy, grace,and kindness.
You hold all things together.
You are the Giver of life and breath.
Our God is beautiful beyond comprehension.
He is worthy of all praise and honor.
All honor, glory, and power belong to You.
You are greatly to be praised.
You alone are real love and the source of real love.
You are magnificent in all things.
Father, You save to the uttermost.
Father, you are constant and abiding.
You are steadfast. An anchor for my soul.
Before all time began, You Are. You have no beginning and no end.
You pursue us with your HESED love.
You are patient.
When I am faithless, You are faithful.
You are my strong tower. I can run to You and I am safe.
You cast out fear.
You are our mighty warrior.
You are my Redeemer…my Comforter…my Hope.
My name is inscribed on Your palm.
You sing songs of deliverance over us.
You are light and there is no darkness in You.

You are my everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God.
You defeated all of death and the enemy.
You are a mighty warrior.
You are a small child born in a manger
You are the King who leads us in might.
You are the man hanging on the cross.
You are the risen Savior of the World.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Give it a try…just start writing all the wonderful things He is to you.
You will be amazed.

Share it with your friends!