Only to the Edge
“Great is the Lord and highly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3 (NASB)
Have you stood on the rim of the Grand Canyon and just gazed at the vastness of it? Have you looked into the depths of a cave that appears to have no bottom…you never hear the rock you threw hit the bottom. Have you laid on the beach or on a grassy knoll and looked into the vastness of space? Does it ever end?
I feel so small in these moments. It is very clear that the universe is NOT about me. Why then did I deceive myself into thinking I was becoming literate in the things of God?
Well, maybe it was because I started taking the Daily Walk when Rob was between 18 months and 2 years old. You read the Bible in a year. Some years I took the Closer Walk. You read the New Testament in a year. Rob will be 48 in November, surely I am becoming more Bible literate.
I’ve gone to every Bible Study I could. Even took studies online at home when not offered at church during the summer. Surely I was becoming more mature in the Lord. I pray. I serve…I study…Surely…
I’ve learned in the past year I only stand on the edge. Like walking up to the rim of the Grand Canyon and looking into its vastness…I’m only on the very tip of the edge of the greatness and the goodness and the mercy and the faithfulness of our good and holy Abba God.
I thought I was making progress and maybe I am. But I think the largest step in maturity may be in this realization, I only stand at the edge.
Oh wow! What wisdom! So true!
Like I shared with you yesterday, that’s exactly how I felt this past Sunday when I had it all figured out me, myself and I. The Lord really let’s us see we’re a work in progress!!