May 25, 2023

Categories: Evangelism

Dandelion Bouquets

Dandelions are a nuisance. They come up in our lawns and then send up fuzzy heads full of seeds. Seeds that sow themselves and sprout more dandelions.

But I want to make a case for dandelions. They are free. They are abundant. They grow almost anywhere. And no one cares if a little boy picks them all.

When the grandchildren were preschoolers, I kept Stephie and Kevin’s children every day for them to teach school. I was blessed that Rob’s children wanted to come too. So there were many playdates during those years. And why not? Cousins playing and eating at Granny and Granddaddy’s? That is great!

After Luke and Elijah and Hannah started school, there was just Caleb to get from preschool. It was so special to drive up in the line of cars and see that little boy standing, waiting with a fist full of dandelions. He just knew intuitively that flowers would be a blessing. A tender thought and action that let his granny know he missed her and loved her. A three-year-old has few resources, but dandelions grow in abundance.

Those dandelions of little worth became a priceless gift. I think so many times that we don’t need to spend tons of money or be extravagant. That people just need affirmation, kindness, and a true heart. Small acts of kindness enacted from a true heart…show the love of our Jesus to the world. A small gift…but priceless to the recipient.

I like to imagine that it is the smile, the warm touch, a cup of coffee, a pastry,…a dandelion bouquet that spreads love and kindness to a hurting world. Grace given in small doses to others.

Small kindness…but eternal rewards…we can always hope. Our God can use anything…even a dandelion.

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