May 11, 2023

Categories: Diligence

Guard Your Hearts

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

Some of my favorite morning devotions are always admonishing us to watch our hearts. Pay attention to the thoughts that pass through our minds. One author in particular constantly reminds us that our biggest problem is inside us and not outside us. (Paul David Tripp). He consistently reminds us that though we are saved and redeemed that sinful nature lurks inside us all and we will mess up.

In Deuteronomy, we are told over and over to put God’s law in our hearts. To listen to its instruction. We are admonished to pay attention to what we allow to enter into and take root in our heart. Why?

One thing is sure, a heart can become hard. We see in the Old Testament over and over that Pharoh’s heart and the hearts of Jewish kings were hardened and turned away from the true and living God. One small decision…then the next one…and an even bigger decision…and soon a heart no longer seeks for or desires our good Abba God. The heart has become hardened.

After verse 23, these verses follow:
Put away from you a deceitful mouth
And put devious lips far from you.
Let your eyes look directly ahead,
And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.
Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.
Do not turn to the right or to the left;
Turn your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:24-27
Sounds like a roadmap to keep a heart pure. How kind our Abba is to admonish us to keep our heart and then provide guidance to do it.

Guard your heart dear ones. Don’t allow the world’s trash to reside there. A soft and tender heart filled with the love of Jesus is the most beautiful and precious thing. Therefore, be careful what we put in our hearts.

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