Why does this word send us into a tailspin? Maybe as Americans we are taught to work hard and success will come. Or perhaps as children or teens we saw that the strongest or the smartest or the “whatever-est” were the people who achieved success. And let’s face it. We Americans LOVE a success story.
Maybe we think if we fail, we are’nt good enough. That somehow coming out on top validates us or gives us worth. Certainly, those that win or achieve receive the accolades of the world.
I don’t think that’s Abba God’s way. What looks like success to Him?
Abraham believed God but still tried to have a son in his own way… God still kept His promise in His way.
Jacob was destined to be chosen and Essau not chosen. Jacob tried to do it his way…God still chose Jacob, but in His way.
Joseph paraded around as a proud teen knowing he was destined for greatness (His dreams foretold it)…Abba didn’t give Joseph greatness until Abba had prepared him.
Moses didn’t want to speak for God..Abba used him anyways.
Samson ran from his calling as a Nazarite…Abba still used Samson to destroy the enemies of God.
Gideon complained that he was no leader…he had to lead anyway.
Peter denied Christ…Peter was the rock the church was built upon
Paul was killing Christians and trying to save Judiasm…Abba God saved Paul and used him mightily.
If our Abba God has placed His calling on your life, (and He has) He will use you. Our special giftings, our intelligence, our charisma are great tools. Sometimes they just get in the way. And sometimes we run away! Make no mistake, you are of great worth in God’s kingdom. He created you, has prepared ,and will prepare you for His purposes and His good work.
If you are serving Christ faithfully, you are a success. Maybe you won’t have the big ministry, book deals, or even see the fruit of self sacrifice. Make no mistake, our Abba will take our love, faithfulness, and obedience then use us for His glory.
Maybe it looks like failure to the world…but our Abba knows what eternal value is. Abba knows what true success is. Trust Him. Walk strong.
Another great reminder I needed to hear! Thanks!!!
Great Word!
Love it!!