April 6, 2023

Categories: Uncategorized

Covenant Fulfilled

One of the things I marvel at in scripture is the amazing accuracy and precision of it. If our Abba makes a promise or a covenant with a person or a people group, He is faithful to keep it.

In Genesis 15, we find Abram seeing the LORD in a vision. It is where the LORD promises Abram a son. Abram believes God( vs6). We know Abram is very old and fathering a child is questionable, so it’s important we remember Abram believed. Yet, in vs8, Abram asks how he might “know” he is to possess land God has promised. This word “know” is the word “yada” which means to know experiencally. The next few verses are strange to our western ears.

Abram is commanded to bring a heifer, a female goat, a ram, a turtledove, and a pigeon. Next Abram cuts them in two but the birds he did not cut. Abram places them opposite each other. The blood would run out to the middle making a path of blood. To enter into a covenant the person of lesser standing would walk the blood path. Abram should have been the one to walk that path but Abba God put Abram into a deep sleep. Abba God walked the blood path.

In walking that path, the person was declaring,”Let this same thing thing be done to me if this covenant is violated by me.”

Israel violates the covenant with God over and over. In His great love and perfect patience Israel is repeatedly given opportunity to repent and return…yet they will not. They break covenant with the true and living God.

Fast forward to that day Jesus was crucified. The scourging He endured would have opened up His back. Probably internal organs were exposed. Horrific. As our Jesus walked the Via del la Rosa, His blood would line that road…

Can you see it? We should be walking that blood path…Israel and us today…we break covenant with the Father. A broken covenant demands justice. But who walked that path? Our Jesus. As He headed out of town to the cross He walked the blood path. He paid the price of the broken covenant.

Jesus declared several times that He had come to fulfill the law. When Jesus walked that blood path to Calvary the requirement of the Law was fulfilled.

So watch in your mind’s eye. Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, walked a bloody road again, fulfilling the requirement of the law. He walked where we should have walked. He paid in full. Abba kept His Word. He fulfilled all things.

It’s too marvelous to take in…REJOICE1

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