November 24, 2022

Categories: Uncategorized

Give Thanks

Thank You for the gift of your very Self.
Give thanks for salvation when I deserve none.

Thank You Yeshua for making the way for us.
Give thanks for the life breath within us.

Thank You for Holy Spirit living inside us.
Give thanks for daily blessings.

Thank You for holding all things together.
Give thanks for family and friendship.

Thank You for new morning mercies.
Give thanks for bread and food.

Thank You for faithfulness that extends to the Heavens.
Give thanks for life and health.

Thank You for spiritual water that eternally quenches thirst.
Give thanks for music to sing back to you.

Thank You for your extraordinary patience.
Give thanks for changing seasons.

Thank You for revealing Yourself to us.
Give thanks for all He has given.

Thank You for the eternal home You have prepared for us.
Give thanks. Everyone give thanks.

Praise Him for His mighty deeds,
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Psalm 150:2

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

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