October 13, 2022

Categories: War


Mowing is one of my favorite things. The noise from the mower blocks out the world and I can pray, talk to God, or just get my thoughts sorted. When fall arrives, I’m a little more careful when I get to the field or the edge of the woods. Daddy always said snakes are irritable in the fall and more likely to bite. I have no idea if this is a scientific fact or “old folks wisdom”. Since I don’t like snakes, I take it to heart.

I was mowing this week down at the field. We have collected a huge pile of brush, fallen limbs, etc. We will burn the pile one cool rainy day after the corn is harvested. It’s always a big happy event. But brush piles attract critters…and snakes.

As i rode by the brush pile, a young grayish, brownish snake lunged out and took off toward the field. He didn’t just slither off, he skedaddled. He was in the biggest hurry I ever saw to get away from me. That big mower was a threat and he wanted no part of it.

I confess I got a good laugh out of it. But as I mowed I thought about the evil one, that serpent of old. The one that loves to lunge at us with his attacks. He hates us for sure and loves to see our pain. Sometimes, I am too blind-sided by his attacks and become fearful. That is so unnecessary.

Ephesians 6:10-19 is the description of our armor. The tools Abba has given us to fight that evill snake. We have everything we need to win our battle.

After seeing that snake skedaddle, I realized that satan does the same thing when the power of God’s Word is spoken and we fight with the weapons we have been given.

It’s a beautiful thing to see a snake skedaddle.

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