October 6, 2022

Categories: Questions

Come Let’s Settle This

One of the great mysteries for me is how my sin, so crimson red could ever be seen as white as snow. Isaiah 1:18 tells us, …though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they will be white as wool.”

About the time our children were in middle school, I was really wrestling with this. I kept hearing teachers and pastors saying that the blood of Jesus covered all our sin. They would teach that Abba God could not see my sin because it was covered by the blood of Jesus. I understood that in my heart and in my head…but blood, even the blood of Jesus is still red. So if Abba looked at me, wouldn’t He still see red?

After a long time of praying and studying, I came to a place where I thought I understood what Abba God was trying to tell me. When the blood of Jesus covers my sin, covers your sin, the crimson of our sin is no longer visible. The red of His blood somehow erases the scarlet, crimson of our sin. Abba only sees the sacrificial blood of Christ.

The visual I have is this. If you have an old worn out barn with faded, worn out red paint, and you paint it with fresh red paint, you do not see the old paint. You just see the new. That’s what it’s like with our sin. Abba can only see us made new by Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross.

Maybe no one else thinks about stuff like this…I have no idea why I do. I just know when I have questions of any kind, when I ask Abba, somehow, some way, He answers.

Getting this answered meant a lot to a young mother trying to “grow up” in the faith. Whatever you want to say or ask, just do it. You will be amazed and blessed.

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