September 15, 2022

Categories: Assurance

Come Let’s Settle This

Come let’s settle the matter, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18NIV

I love this Bible verse. Don’t we all love it? In a Bible study I’m doing right now this verse hit me right between the eyes. I’ve been so familiar with it, loved it, repeated it…and missed a deeper meaning.

In my NASB Bible it reads, “Come, let us reason together…” That brings to my mind a picture of two different parties coming into a room to resolve their differences. That there will be a discussion of views and a resolution decided on.

When I read, “ Come let’s settle the matter…” that put a whole different picture in my mind. I could see Abba God sitting on His throne waiting for me to hear Him. And this Father of ours declaring that the matter of our sin, our estrangement from Him is settled…forever. No discussion. No debate. It is settled.

We know we have been saved. We understand the finished work of Jesus on the cross, and yet deep in our hearts…sometimes…we behave as if we need to earn our place in God’s family. We must prove we deserve His gift of forgiveness. That just maybe we need to work a little harder. That just maybe salvation wasn’t really for us.

So our precious Abba God said clearly, “Come let’s settle this…” Now when those thoughts creep in, or when the evil one whispers I couldn’t possibly be loved by Abba, I have another weapon from the arsenal of scripture. Our eternal destiny is forever settled. We belong to Him and there is NOTHING that will ever snatch us from Him.

He is faithful
He cannot lie.
He is all powerful.
He never changes.
He is our Abba.

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