I’ve written about them before…those eagles that live on our road. I have lost count of the number of years they have nested here. In late winter or early spring we see the adults in that nest. Repairs are made. Preparations made for the eggs and hatchlings that will surely follow. It is such a joy. Such a miracle that we get to witness this yearly event.
But…a couple of years ago, the tree they nested in died. We knew for sure they would move, but they did not. Even worse, that fall Duke Power cut their tree down. Everyone on our road was so upset. We knew they would be gone for sure now.
The eagles however had other plans. They moved a few hundred yards down the road and started over. Brand new nest. Same eagle couple. Getting on with life. Babies every year.
This morning when we were on our morning walk, I heard a sound coming from above. The young eagles were taking off for a morning flight. The sound they make when they fly is like no other. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Their large wings cutting through the air.
I couldn’t get them out of my mind today. Their home destroyed, they didn’t give up. They rebuilt without any assistance. They knew what needed to be done and just did it. They didn’t run away. They remained in a place where they had found safety in the past.
The behavior of the eagles inspires me. They are confident, strong, steady, courageous, and even discerning. Character traits I should exhibit as a child of Abba God. When disaster did come, they never faltered. The eagles went on being eagles.They didn’t question what they had done that they were being punished. They didn’t ask, “Why me?”. They just moved forward.
Confidently. Faithfully.
I at times have felt like those eagles the future I had dreamed about destroyed, but God through my family and friends lead me through another path I had never fathom. New home among my love ones a future I now take day by day. Knowing Jehova is always there leading me as He sees fit. I have peace in the hope of my Savior towards where my final home will be in His Presence. I am happy, hopeful and content. A millionaire according to the world.
Good Word!