April 28, 2022

Categories: Uncategorized

Going with Pappy

We called my grandfather “Pappy”. It was the name he chose for himself. If we needed help when we were little he would say, “Let your Pappy do it.” And so he was our Pappy.

He drove that 52 Ford truck. I loved that old truck. He took me to school in it and picked me up in the afternoons. Some of my dearest memories are seeing him sitting in that truck with his glasses on reading his newspaper. He always broke into a smile when he saw me coming from the school building.

The best afternoons for me were when he had to go sell sweet potatoes to a vendor or look at a farm implement he needed. We would stop at Mrs. Dess Todd’s store in Mineral Springs (because she was his first cousin) and get a Coke in a small glass bottle, powdered sugar donuts, and potato chips or some such food my grandmother would not approve of. It was fabulous.

We would head up the road toward Monroe or toward Waxhaw…off on a great adventure.

It was wonderful to go places. It was great to get forbidden food. But the best part was the journey with him. Riding with the windows down, watching the fields come alive in spring or looking at the fall harvest. My grandfather talking to me about all sorts of stuff. It made no difference. Making the trip with him was the most important thing of all.

My life, this walk with Abba God is the most important thing of all. I am so blessed with dear family and friends to walk with me. I think I can confidently say that if Abba doesn’t go with us, with me, on this journey, I don’t want to go. I can’t.

The most horrific thing for me to think about is not having Abba with me, to be cast from His Presence or Holy Spirit taken from me.

I was 11 when my Pappy died.The color went out of the world. Music had no melody.. Life had a huge void with him gone. Walking forward was painful.

I realize the loss of fellowship with this dear grandfather was devastating…how much more the loss of Abba God? Dear friends never take the journey with Abba for granted. Remember He is going before us. Enjoy the journey with Him.

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