March 10, 2022

Categories: Uncategorized


How do you see yourself? One thing I tease Baxter about is that he doesn’t know he is old. He still runs, water skis, works…things everyone thinks he should have stopped doing years ago. I didn’t believe I suffered from this malady. Oops! Wrong!

On our way back from this last trip to Honduras, we encountered bad weather. Dangerous winds. Our plane was diverted from Atlanta to Augusta. We spent 4 hours on the plane waiting for a custom team to come process us and that fell through. They said there were no stairs there large enough for us to deplane. So there we sat. We ran out of water.

The next announcement said we would have to wait another 4 hours for a new crew as our crew had flown to the limit of FAA regulations. Can’t you just hear the passenger comments?

I guess they decided to try the stairs because they did push up to the plane for us to disembark. There was a little larger “step-down” than usual. It was dark. The stairs were metal and a little slippery. When I was recounting all this to Baxter, I mentioned that I worried about the “elderly” people on the plane.

This brought an incredulous look to his face. He said, “Gwen, How old were these elderly people? You’re 70!” Oh my. We had a good laugh.

But aren’t we like that? We have a perception of the truth and perhaps it is slightly (or even severely) skewed? That how we see ourselves is not at all how others see us? And maybe we aren’t even what we think we are at all!

Abba used this silliness of mine to remind me that how I perceive myself needs to be in line with who He says I am. Not who I think I am… or who others say I am…but who He says I am.

Who do you say you are?

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