February 3, 2022

Categories: Growth

Winter Fruit

My Dad grew up during the 1920’s and the 1930’s. Times were tough for everyone, but especially small family farms. Money was scarce. The only funds available were for the barest necessities. If a family was going to eat, they had to know how to grow their own food and raise their own meat. It helped if the husband was a good shot. Wild game would provide meat so farm animals didn’t have to be slaughtered.

Having grown up this way, my Dad just loved a beautiful garden. He took great pride in his produce and demanded we plant in a particular way. We still plant and harvest the way he taught us with a few new innovations.

When World War II came along, he was drafted and served in the navy. Dad served protecting the merchant marine in the North Atlantic first. When Germany surrendered his assignment was in the Pacific. When his enlistment was up, he was in Japan. He traveled to so many places.

When we would plant our gardens, Dad would always say, “ I’ve been all over the world. There is no better place than here. You can garden 12 months of the year.” And most years that is true.

So many years, I can still get greens in the garden through January and even February. All season cabbage lasts well too. It is amazing to get a crop…or just a pot of greens in the middle of winter.

I’ve thought about this so many times over the years. We don’t really expect to see progress or spiritual fruit in the middle of a spiritual winter season. We prepare to hunker down and get through cold and inclement weather. And yet I must confess, it has been the winter seasons, the hurtful, devastating seasons that Father God has used to produce spiritual fruit in me. Those seasons threw me onto His very self for counsel, comfort, and rescue. His precious love gave me what I never deserve, grace. And He led me to find “spiritual fruit” where I thought there would be none.

Winter perhaps needs another look. Our God can guide us in a winter season of life to bear fruit. We don’t need to assume our spiritual winter will be barren. Father God might have other ideas.

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