January 20, 2022

Categories: Perspective


Perspective is an important element in processing data. How we view our circumstances and surroundings is continually influenced by our perspective. The concept I have been working hard to assimilate into my thinking is that Abba God’s perspective is nothing like mine at all.

I know that on a superficial level this is quite obvious. But when we begin living life, it is easy to assume God’s perspective and our perspective is the same. That is true if the perspective I hold is His perspective. But usually it’s not.

I have an object lesson to share.

Baxter and I have always cleaned our gutters ourselves. We had Gutter Guard for a while but they would clog and even though the company promised to clean them if they ever did clog…they went out of business…at least they did here.

So a few Saturdays ago, the gutters were full of leaves again and needed cleaning. Sometimes Baxter cleans them. Sometimes I clean them. Sometimes we clean them together. This particular day, Baxter had to do some tax returns. He agreed for me to clean the gutters. Please don’t judge. Our children DO NOT LIKE US TO DO THIS! And we know it’s not the safest activity. In fact, our son caught me that day on the roof and well…it wasn’t pretty.

But the point is that when I’m on the ground walking around my yard I see weeds that need to be taken out of flower beds. I can see the beauty of flowers, berries, or leaves clearly. The yard looks a particular way. My perspective is ground level.

But when I stop cleaning leaves, and look at my yard from the roof, it looks entirely different. I can see further. I can take in the whole backyard and the garden and the fields beyond. The way I perceive my yard changes entirely. I have put myself in a higher position.

I think my heart realized that’s the way it is with me and Abba God. Because of where I dwell and because of where He dwells, our perspectives differ. He sees everything at once. He knows all the circumstances that must fit together to answer prayer and fulfill His purposes…and I do not. Our Father sees things from a totally different place and He knows best.

So when my prayers aren’t answered the way I think they should be or circumstances don’t work out the way I think they should, I remember. Abba can see more and He certainly sees better than I see.

He has the best perspective.

Share it with your friends!