Green and Red
The winter always seems drab and colorless in the Carolinas. After the lush green of summer and a blazing fall of color, It can look so gray or brown. It appears life has stopped. We know for certain that life has not stopped, rather trees and plants are dormant. Their color and their life will return in spring.
Because of this colorless time, I’ve always loved holly. It is evergreen for one thing, and it holds its berries through the dead of winter. What a gift. All that color when we need it.
My grandfather had dug up a wild native American holly and planted it in his front yard. It stood as a tall sentinel in my eyes. When I would cut a limb to take inside for the holidays, I thought it told of God’s salvation plan. I still do.
The green leaves represented life in Jesus Christ. Eternal life. The red berries of course represented the blood of Jesus that bought our salvation. Those prickly points on the holly leaves made me remember the bitterness and shame of the crucifixion. Even as a little girl, I thought our God was so good to give me an object lesson of His everlasting love. I still do.
My hope is that everyone has a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. That everyone knows the Father’s great love for them. That Holy Spirit dwells within them.
As we move into this new year, make sure you know Him. Give Him your heart and life. You will never regret it.
Look at the green and red of the holly and remember. Remember Him.
I loved this so much!