Giving Thanks
I have discovered that giving thanks each day creates joy in my heart. Choosing to see the grace and gifts Father God sends each day increases faith in Him and reliance on Him. I keep a journal. A grace journal. It is not eloquently written or beautiful to see. Rather it is a record of God’s goodness and provision each day. This one small tool has boosted my relationship with Him in ways I could never have anticipated.
Remembering the beauty of a spectacular sunrise. Family gathered around the table. Listening to the symphony of bird song outside my porch. The diverse color and texture of flowers. The fragrance after rain. Special gifts He sends each day. How dear He is.
When I look at the vegetables in the freezer…the canned vegetables in the jars…get eggs in the mornings…His provision every day. I stand in awe of Him. How could the infinite, eternal Creator of the Universe remember me in my daily walk? And yet He does. He remembers us all.
Fall is a season we can slow down and take notice of the year we have lived. To acknowledge the gifts we have received, the correction He has sent, and the beauty of fellowship with Him. Some have realized life goals and celebrated their accomplishments. Some have buried loved ones and the dreams that relationship held. For some, it has been a mediocre year. Nothing too big or too small has happened. You have just put your head down and walked one day at the time, grateful to get through each day.
But in all of these circumstances, He is with us. We can be certain of it. He says it over and over in scripture. For this alone, we can give thanks…for isn’t He the greatest gift?
The leaves are glorious showing off all their colorful radiance. The year is winding down. We are beginning the holiday season. The season that begins with giving thanks and ends with the celebration of the birth of our Savior.
As we walk these cool fall days, let’s remember. Let’s give thanks. Let’s praise the One who gives us life and will keep us for all eternity.
Happy Thanksgiving.
“To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.” Revelation 5:13
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Happy Thanksgiving Gwen! Your posts reflect your beauty and the beauty of your love for our Father God.