October 21, 2021

Categories: Wisdom

Head to Heart…Heart to Head

It has been called the most difficult distance to travel. The distance from a person’s head to a person’s heart. We know a precept is the absolute truth in our head, but for the life of us, we cannot make our heart believe it. The precious moment our heart realizes our head is speaking truth can be overwhelming. But it is always a wonderful gift.

But today, I want to focus on truths we know in our heart traveling to our head. Realizations that begin in my heart have been more difficult for me to process. I am not sure why. And when I have tried to articulate them sometimes, I have failed miserably.

I tell the story of always walking while Baxter runs. When he trains for a marathon, I will carry the watered down gatorade and Gu. We have a course laid out where we pass one another so he can get them as needed.

If he trains for a marathon, he might do 14, 16, 18 miles. And while he does that distance, I do 8 or 10. After our children grew up and I didn’t need to wait on the sidelines with them while he ran, Baxter decided I could run a race. I emphatically told him, “No”. I had zero desire to run any race, any day, anywhere.

Well, true to his nature, he signed me up. Now, I had never even run a 1 mile fun run. So what distance did he sign me up for? A half marathon. 13.1 miles. My first race.

My head said it was the dumbest idea he ever had. My head said I could not do it…but in my heart, I knew I could. The only way I could get my head to believe my heart was to just “do it”.

I’ve found this precept to be true walking this dirt road. If in my heart, Father has revealed something to me, I almost always need to act on what He has said. It is only then my head comes in line with my heart.

I think about Israel entering the Promised Land. The Jordan River was flooding. The waters didn’t part until the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant put their feet into the water. Peter didn’t believe in his head he could walk on water. But when the Creator of the Universe told him to “Come”, Peter’s heart knew he could walk on that water. (Of course, when Peter looked around, his head talked him out of what his heart knew.)

When our heart discovers truth in God’s Word and our head wants to argue with our heart…maybe we should act on the true and living Word of God. Maybe that is the best way for truth to travel from heart to head.

Just something to ponder as we walk our life’s road.

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