How do you determine if you have a relationship with someone? Maybe you are married or are a parent or a sibling …have friends…but what defines these relationships? How do we determine how strong or how weak they are?
Relationships can be tricky. Sometimes we are closer to family and friends than at other times. To keep a relationship healthy, we must stay connected. When communication breaks down, we have issues, misunderstandings, even the loss of that relationship.
If you are not speaking to your spouse or child or parent or friend, they can assume you are not invested in the relationship any longer. Maybe they will believe you want to terminate the relationship.
In any case, if I’m not talking to Baxter or he isn’t talking to me, you can be sure there is a problem…Because Baxter and I do some talking to one another!
Why is it then, that we think it’s ok to go a day or a week or a month and never speak to Abba God or to our Savior Jesus? Why is it ok not to sit down and be with Him? Why do we think our relationship with Him will be strong if we never speak to Him?
I realize there are so many books and articles on prayer. I have a prayer time first thing in the morning. It is precious to me. I put my petitions before Him after I praise Him. It’s great. But through the day while I am mowing, or cooking, or cleaning or whatever…I just talk to Him. I’m not asking Him for anything, I’m just telling Him what’s on my heart.
I talk to Him about people and their breaking hearts, whether it is ok to go on a mission trip, a decision that must be made…whatever is going on in my life or the life of my family. I’m not asking Him anything. I’m just talking to Him the way I’d talk to Baxter or anyone else I am close to.
Now, I realize He knows all things. I get that He is already moving in situations. I just feel better when I have talked to Him. He knows my heart..but it’s like when Baxter gets home and I can tell him all that has happened. I just feel better once I have told Baxter…He is my best friend here on this earth.
It’s the same with Abba God. Once I’ve just been able to tell Him my heart, I feel better. Is’t that the way it should be with the One we are close to?
Can we trust that since Jesus lives in our hearts.. Holy Spirit is within us…we can have a conversation at any time as we walk our life’s road? Can we trust that the precious relationship we have with Him means we can talk with Him at any time?
Let’s nourish our relationship with Him. Let’s spend time with Him. Talk to Him as you walk.
Good word
Twice in my life I have felt the emptiness of being separated from my loved ones; the first when I had an anaphylactic reaction and I was alone in the ER and my family didn’t know what had happened to me and feeling I could die alone , the second time was when I was in Puerto Rico alone and the coronavirus . I felt again the being far from my loved ones . We truly need to communicate but more than that we must feel the presence of God continually and talking to Him about everything is the way to achieve His presence. The Holy Spirit truly does this work.