Longing for Home
I was a little girl in the 1950s. Our life was simple with everything we needed and a few things we wanted. My parents worked in textile mills as did many in our community. My dad farmed with my Granddaddy as his second job. But I always thought I was rich. The fields and forest rambled all around like the biggest park. There were ponds full of fish, tadpoles, crawfish, and bullfrogs. We had cows, pigs and chickens. There was the most stubborn mule you ever saw. The garden was bountiful. We would sneak out, pick tomatoes, and eat them like apples. Our orchard had cherry trees, paper shell pecan trees, damson plums, and one pear tree.
How I loved that pear tree. I climbed that tree every day that it did not rain. I ate green pears off the tree and worried my grandmother to no end. But, I never got sick eating green pears. The pear tree was situated such that I could climb high and sit looking toward our house across the field and pond.
To be very clear, I loved my Pappy and Mama Kate. They were the best grandparents. I thought we were so blessed to stay with them while our parents worked. But sitting in that pear tree…looking across the field at my house…I would long for home. My heart would ache to be with my Mama and Daddy and brother in the home my Daddy built for us. But remember, I loved being at my grandparent’s house too.
I’ve thought many times since then that I am still in that same tension. I love my home and family. I am blessed beyond measure. The days in our home are precious. I immensely dislike saying goodbyes to my loved ones….but when I look toward Eternity…I realize I have a longing inside for my Eternal home. The home our Jesus said He went to prepare for us.
I’ve decided this is normal. I appreciate the life and family Father God has given me. I would be broken-hearted to leave them. (Just like the sadness each day when I left those dear grandparents to go home.) But, there is anticipation and joy in knowing our Jesus has prepared an Eternal Home for us. We will live with Him forever and give Him praise, honor, and glory.
I’ve decided to embrace this tension. I will enjoy every moment here in this home with those I love. I won’t wonder or worry about the “when” of going home. The Present is where we are to dwell… Not wishing our life away but working faithfully… Being confident we can look across time to our Eternal Home.
That’s how it is my friend; long for eternity but at the same same time I enjoy my family and my friends. I think that’s how Father God wants us to be, enjoy the here and now and His presence in our life’s.
I loved this.
Thanks Gwen Love you