Lima Beans
Lima beans or “butter beans” might be my very favorite bean. For that reason, they are always planted in my garden. They grow well and produce a lot of beans. It’s so satisfying to raise them.
When the bean pods become fat and plump, it’s time to pick. If the pod is still flat, don’t pick! There will be no beans inside and all hope will be lost for beans to develop.
Some of my dearest memories are meeting my Mom in the garden at 6:00 to pick beans. I was young with small children. Mama and I would finish picking beans before the children got up. Just as important, we would finish before the sun was hot.
Do you know how many limas you must pick to fill a bushel basket? A lot! You can pick and pick, but because they are flat it seems the basket will never fill up. I remember picking beans and thinking my basket would never be filled. But if you keep going, you eventually find the job has been completed.
Working in the garden is always better with family. The time passes quickly as you talk and share. Lots of times though, gardening is done alone. In those times, I pray. I can almost guarantee no one will interrupt. The prospect of hard, hot, manual labor appeals to very few people. My time picking limas or other vegetables are some of my sweetest times alone with the Father.
I have experienced love, laughter, answers, and peace in that garden. Father God almost always shows up. I have been reminded how insignificant and small I am in the scheme of this Universe. And yet, He has reminded me just how much He loves me…loves all of us.
Sometimes the rows seem endless. The pace is slow but steady. I think I’ll never reach the end. And even worse, maybe I’ll get to the end and the basket won’t be half full. But as sure as can be, suddenly, I’m done. Perseverance has won the day. The task is complete.
Picking limas can be like walking through this life. We struggle at the day’s work and wish it was completed. We can’t see the end of a troubled time. We try our best and fail at an important job. Or we realize great success and find our lives blessed beyond measure. Our days are filled with work we discover is meaningful not just to us ,but to others also.
My hope is to give us a pause. That we will realize the holy found in living every day. It’s like picking the beans, we keep working and before we know it…we are at the end of the “row”. Our task is complete. Our harvest will feed our family. There is joy in Father’s provision. We have lived those garden moments with Him. We have completed our tasks.
And He is always with us…even picking lima beans.
At this stage of my life knowing my chores are fewer I do them with joy and thanksgiving for still I can be fruitful for the Lord and my family. One day they will be done finished, I pray the Lord to be pleased with what has been accomplished through me with Him as my guide and strength.
Love this, we have such fond memories of all working in the garden at my Grandpaw Ray Taylor’s house. Now we all have our own smaller gardens at home but I sure miss the Big Garden. And yes, you thought you would never get finished with a row. Such wonderful memories!! Thank you!
You have a beautiful way of telling a story that makes you feel like you are there. One day at a time, made bearable with OurFathers presence.