July 1, 2021

Categories: Correction

A Black Cat-Verde

Three summers ago a black cat appeared at our house. She was starving. Her ribs were showing and all she could do was cry.

For two days she walked through the yard crying. She would not let us come near her. I was determined not to have a cat. I told her I was sure she would be happy at the house across the road. But she had chosen us. I couldn’t bear to hear her cry, so the second day I went and purchased food for her.

Her joy knew no limit! She ate and ate. After a couple of weeks, she was gaining weight and the crying had stopped. Still, she would not let us near her.

She has long hair and the most beautiful green eyes. Her eyes almost look like lights against that black fur. I’ve wondered so many times why anyone would throw her away. She is beautiful and has a wonderful disposition.

Those beautiful eyes are why we named her Verde. Verde is Spanish for green. Everyone who sees her comments about her eyes.

It took quite a while to win her confidence. She lets us pet her and she purrs as she rubs up against us. But, Verde has her limits.

I want her to stay in the garage at night. That is NOT gonna happen. She is older and I worry that a wild animal might kill her. And when it is cold in winter or stormy in summer, I think she would be safer in the garage.

If she even accidentally gets shut in the garage, there is wailing and crying that is unbearable. We have to let her out.

One of my friends gave us this cute little “cat house”. It is made of canvas. It has clear plastic strips she can walk through to enter. She could sit in there and see out. Do you think she will go in? Not a chance!

She likes to go sleep in an old chicken coup that is about four feet off the ground. It is not near the house. One cold winter morning I watched her come to the house knowing her breakfast would soon be in her bowl. I was so outdone with her. We had provided two wonderful, warm, safe places for her and she would not receive them.

Of course, I immediately heard in my heart words of correction from our Father. I also refuse His best for me. Ouch!

He has so many spiritual gifts just waiting for me. He provides for me daily. He sent Jesus to redeem me. How do I behave? Like Verde. I go to a cold and unsafe place. I try to work things out on my own. I come to Him when I find myself in trouble because of my hard headedness. (Notice all the “I”s? That is the source of my problems…my failures.)

Our Father draws us with His steadfast love. He leads and guides with perfect patience. I”m not condemning Verde so much these days. I’m just gonna be patient and love her. The Lord did use her to teach me a very valuable lesson.

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